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【和訳】 Glass Onion The Beatles の歌詞と LyriQ

The Making Of Glass Onion YouTube
The Beatles were an iconic rock band from the British Invasion. Their song "Glass Onion" is one of their highly loved numbers. Fans of the Beatles often adore the musical genius found in "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds". Listening to this track is similar to embarking on a mystical melodic journey.
John, Paul, George, and Ringo were an incredible music band from the 1960s. Their song "Glass Onion" is one of their most loved hits. Admirers of the Beatles regularly love the lyrical depth found in "Glass Onion". Listening to this song is like taking a magical melodic journey. Get ready to indulge yourself in the classic beauty of "Glass Onion" by the Beatles.

  • 04/13/01:39
  • beatles glass onion



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